
Climate Protection. Animal Habitat. Income for Local Communities. Together.

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Great companies already reforest our planet with Click A Tree

Our Mission

Click A Tree exists 168官方体彩 快乐8澳洲幸运八开奖结果直播网站-网页版+手机版通用 to make sustainability simple

By planting trees, we actively 快乐查询开奖结果、168官网开奖直播最新视频 fight climate change, build habitat for endangered animal species, and create jobs with full-time income for local communities.

Our vision is to make planting trees an everyday habit. It makes our planet a healthier, fairer (and better) place for every being inhabiting it.Because in the end, we’re all sharing the same planet – and it’s the only one we’ve got. We believe it’s worth fighting for.

🇬🇭 Ghana

Trees for Entreepreneurs

Plant trees to help entrepreneurs build a better future for themselves.
€21.49 / tree incl. VAT
🇹🇭 Thailand

Trees for Tuskers

Plant trees to create vital habitat for mighty tuskers.
€8.95 / tree incl. VAT
🇵🇭 Philippines

Trees for the Seas

Plant mangrove trees to protect marine wildlife and save the oceans. For every planted tree we remove 1 kg of plastic from the ocean.
€16.96 / tree incl. VAT

These news outlets love Click A Tree´s innovative approach to reforestation

Real Impact


We believe that trees are so much more than a CO2 number. With our holistically sustainable approach of planting trees, we create jobs with full-time income for local communities, build habitat for endangered animal species, and actively fight climate change.

In addition, we collect ocean plastic, support education initiatives and so much more!

One Place For 澳洲体彩幸运8官网开奖直播 免费查询开奖记录168、历史号码开奖数据 All Your Trees

Here you can easily make, measure and market your impact, all in one sensationally-simple-to-use dashboard. It takes 2 minutes. No credit card required. No commitment

Dont´t Take Our Word For It

Our global community are the true heroes

I’m a passionate diver, and can’t stand seeing coral reefs bleeched and plastic floating around. Click A Tree’s ‘Trees For The Seas’ are a great opportunity to not just create jobs for people in need, but also get some of that plastic removed from the oceans.


Click A Tree is a wonderful solution to do good. As my job often occupies the time to do it in person, with Click A Tree I can ensure the money I earn makes the world a better place. It’s so simple, straightforward and quick, there’s no reason not to do it.


We surely have no shortage of trees and untouched nature here in Canada. However, as world citizen I am aware that not all countries are that privileged, and Click A Tree enables me to do something about it.


澳洲幸运8开奖网站: Click A Tree for Travel

Book hotels and flights to anywhere on earth and plant trees while doing it. No extra cost for you.

For Business

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Planting trees has a ton of environmental and social benefits. But it also boosts your business.

Let us show you how.

Your First Tree is on Us

Join our newsletter and we will plant a tree for you - for free.

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