Green Politician Gerhard Zickenheiner Books Via B’n’Tree
“The business idea of B’n’Tree is excellent. I’m in!”
Gerhard Zickenheiner, Member of the Bundestag
Mr Zickenheiner is Member of the German Bundestag since January 2019. Native to Lörrach, he represents Southern Germany’s electoral district Lörrach – Müllheim.
As member of the Green Party Bündis 90 / Die Grünen he fights for a better world – ecologically, cosmopolitan and socially. Find out more about Gerhard Zickenheiner here.

Green Politicians Book Via B’n’Tree
In addition to Mr Zickenheiner, several further politicians of the Green Party have confirmed their support to B’n’Tree, including Bavarian state parliament member Stephanie Schuhknecht.
The overall feedback is clear: The most valuable move to save our planet is to reduce CO2 emissions to a minimum. That means traveling less wherever possible, and if you do travel, select nearby destinations and choose environmentally friendly transport options.
To go one step further in making your travels more sustainable, begin your bookings on and offset your CO2 emissions with a company like Atmosfair.

B'n'Tree Founder Chris Kaiser meets Bavarian state parliament member Stephanie Schuhknecht from the Green Party Bündnis 90 Die Grünen 2
Getting Your Local Politician To Book Via B’n’Tree
Want to get your local politicians on board as well? In the end, we all only have one planet to live on. Why not contact them and introduce them to B’n’Tree?
Feel free to copy and paste this text and send via email:
Dear local politician,
as an environmentally concerned citizen, I kindly ask you to consider booking future travel arrangements, both business and leisure, via the tree-planting booking portal For every completed booking that originates on this site, one tree is planted – at no cost to you.
Partners are travel industry leaders such as Booking, TripAdvisor, Expedia, Skyscanner, HRS and others, so you can freely select amongst the world’s largest online booking platforms. Just begin your booking on The rest is taken care of.
Over 75,000 trees have been planted already, fighting climate change as well as creating jobs for local communities and habitat for endangered animal species. Please contribute your part to reforest our beautiful planet.
And while you’re at it: Please install Ecosia as your default internet search engine. It works like Google, but plants trees with its profits.
Thank you in the name of your voters and mother Earth.
Kind regards,
— Your Name Here —
Of course you may send this email to media representatives, company leaders or your ever-traveling friends as well. Every tree counts!
Thank you for caring about our planet. You make a difference. Your help matters.
Thank you!
Your B’n’Tree Team