9 Positive Side Effects Of Coronavirus
Amidst the craziness of Coronavirus (COVID-19), did you stop to consider any of its positive side effects?
Yes, you read that correctly. There are countless negative effects of Coronavirus, and you already know about all of them.
So enough of the doom and gloom! At Click A Tree, we like to stay positive – even during a pandemic.
Keep on reading to discover the 9 valuable, positive side effects of the virus that we’ve identified, and why this global pandemic really is a timely wake-up call.

Before we get started, we’d like to know what your personal favorite positive side effect of COVID-19 is:
Oh, and: We have 1 question for everyone who’s reading the article till the end. 🙂
We’re not sure about you, but it seems almost impossible to stop hearing about the C-word. Every day on lockdown (and we really hope that you’re isolating effectively) brings more updates and drama.
You’re already fully aware of what the virus is doing around the world.
So are we. It has become so widespread that it’s almost brought the world to a complete standstill. But trust us – this is a good thing.
And as you keep reading, you’ll learn about 9 more good things that have come out of all of this.
In the video below, Chris begins by explaining the first three positive side effects of Coronavirus.
Sign up for our free newsletter GROW as well. It’s the simplest way ever to plant a natural carbon sink (that’s a tree, by the way).
So we’ve all been given a wakeup call about how quickly a global crisis can bring the world to a halt. We’re spending more quality time together indoors, and we don’t have the painful commute to work.
But did you know that the impact of climate change has already been way more significant than Coronavirus this year? The numbers don’t lie: fossil fuel-related air pollution is thought to cause 4.5 million premature deaths around the world every year¹.
The impact of climate change will kill millions more if we don’t act now. Mother Earth needs us, and it needs to see immediate action from the six remaining positive consequences of Coronavirus that Chris hasn’t already mentioned.
So here are number 4-9 of the positive side effects of Covid-19.
4. Wildlife is back! A Tale of Elephants, Dolphins and Baby Turtles
Corona has kept a lot of humans at home this year, which helped wildlife reclaim some of its habitat. There are stories of the elephant that roamed the empty streets of a deserted Indian city during lockdown…
…dolphins returning to the coast of the Italian island of Sicily…
…and the hundreds of turtles that were able to hatch² on the Thai island of Koh Samui due to not being disturbed by tourists.

Now if those aren’t some very positive side effects of the Coronavirus, we don’t know what is.
5. CO2 Emissions Have Decreased Significantly
As a result of the outbreak, the majority of outdoor activities are restricted and where possible, we’re all working from home.
If you’ve currently got a stash of toilet roll, then you can count yourself lucky. Yes, it’s a huge inconvenience for so many of us.
But there are positives. Think about it. Fewer people are commuting to work. Factories are closed. Flights are canceled.
This reduced human activity led to a huge cut in greenhouse gas emissions throughout China³. In fact, carbon emissions have fallen rapidly all over the world. So much so that it has been visible from space!
And this has only been over two to three months. What would happen if, when this is all over, we were more careful with some of our consumer choices? We’ll still live our lives and have fun, sure. That’s what Charitalism teaches us.

Related: Plant trees for free while eating chocolate, swinging in your hammock or taking a shower.
When we consider our purchases from a sustainability point-of-view, it will make an incredible difference.
If you find yourself bored during quarantine, then take some time to re-think your lifestyle.
What changes can you make that will have a lasting impact once Coronavirus becomes a thing of the past?
Nobody understands how amazing travel is more than us.
And we know that sometimes travel can’t be avoided, and that face-to-face meetings are more productive than emails. But when you travel via B’n’Tree, you’ll always be planting a tree to offset a small part of your emissions.
That’s a great beginning. Thanks to your efforts so far, we’ve already planted more than 100,000 trees. With your continued support, we can plant many hundreds of thousands more.
6. The Timing Of Covid-19 Is Positive
Yes, agreed, it would have been much better if Covid-19 had never happened.
However, given the fact that it has happened, it is a good thing that it has happened now.
We now live in a world where we are all well-connected over the internet. We have Netflix for entertainment, Amazon to go shopping and various video conference tools to see each other while we are thousands of miles apart.
In today’s world we can communicate online, we can order food (and everything else) online and can even work online.
Imagine this Coronavirus would have spread 20 years ago. Don’t you think things would have been even worse?
7. We’re Able To Work Together In Urgent Conditions
COVID-19 has also proven that we have the ability to draft new policies and emergency procedures when we need to. And we can do it fast.
Sure, the circumstances for such speedy action aren’t a positive, but the response certainly is.
With a growing world population, extreme inequality, and countless international barriers, co-ordinating global procedures is more difficult than ever before.

But as the epidemic has spread around the world, our reaction has been rapid. Countries suffering from Coronavirus have been quick to impose quarantines and take drastic action to prevent the infection from spreading even further.
When faced with a global crisis, we didn’t hesitate to react. So that begs the question: why can’t we do the same for climate change⁴?
Every life lost due to Coronavirus is a tragedy. Families are shattered and memories are lost forever. That damage is irreparable.
But on a similar note, air pollution (which is only one aspect of our serious climate crisis) is believed to kill more than 4.5 million people around the world every year⁵.
We need to battle climate change before it’s too late. Planting trees during this next decade – we call it “The Twentrees” – is one of the most efficient ways to do that⁶.

Then there’s the wildlife too. Think of all the animal species we could save – on land, in the sky, and underwater.
The trees we plant provide them with a home and food, and millions more trees would mean millions of natural carbon sinks.
And, on top of decreasing global air pollution and supporting all sorts of wildlife, planting trees helps to fight poverty and inequality as well.
Find out how a new career planting trees was life-changing for Boto and Mary in the Miracle of Mahabana.

8. We’re More Aware Of The Impact A Global Crisis Can Have
Say what you want about global pandemics, but they certainly put the concept of a “global crisis” back in fashion.
It seems like every news outlet, social media story, and publication is focusing on Coronavirus – for better and for worse.
But we now understand that there are global issues. That the world is bigger than our backyard. That we’re all one part of a huge, interconnected ecosystem.
We will survive Coronavirus. And, now that we’ve seen the devastation that a global crisis can cause, we’ll take climate change more seriously.
Climate change is a global threat, far more dangerous and destructive than COVID-19.
We can’t conjure up a magic vaccine for climate change once the world has been destroyed. We can only make the changes we need to make now.
And the good news about the global climate crisis is that we know it’s coming! Look how quickly we’re reacting to, and mitigating the impact of Coronavirus. We didn’t even know that was coming our way.
So we can prepare for our climate change crisis. And we have plenty of options when it comes to tackling the crisis.
Now we just need to do it. And, with companies like Click A Tree, it’s simpler than ever to act.
You can do it from exactly where you are. Click here to plant a tree right now!
9. Corona Re-Teaches Us The Excitement Of Anticipation
Do you remember being excited with anticipation when you were a child? Counting the days to your birthday or the hours until your friends would finally come over?
Growing up takes a lot of that excitement away. Even worse, in today’s world everything is available at the click of your mouse!
Why wait if you can simply visit Amazon and buy everything your heart desires?
Besides all the downsides of the virus, one of the positive side effects of Corona is that it brings us the excitement of anticipation back.
We can’t see all our friends and family right now as much as we’d like to, we can’t go clubbing at night, have to delay our next visit to our favorite sports or cultural event, and can’t go traveling overseas for pleasure.
Are you already looking forward to do all of these again? Finally hugging your parents and good friends again? Dancing the night away with terrific tunes? Shouting your lungs out in the football stadium? Digging your toes in the sand at a pristine beach somewhere in the Caribbean, the warm sun on your face and a cool cocktail in hand?
That’s anticipation. Enjoy it. It won’t last forever.
Related: Sustainable Travel made simple. 1 Simple hack – 3 reasons why.
Action Plan: 3 Simple Steps You Can Take To Win Against Covid-19
There’s no point in busting your head in the sand, worrying about Corona. After all, we’ve already enumerated quite a few cool positive side effects of Covid-19.
But it doesn’t stop there. We’ve even created a short, super actionable action plan how to win against the virus.
We admit we haven’t reinvented the wheel for that – but we didn’t need to. Here are our top 3 tips how to win against Corona.
1. Stay Safe
Get yourself a cool fun mask. If you have to wear it you might as well make it fun, right?!
Video call your friends and family, make your own soap, so you want to wash your hands, and do fun activities at home.
2. Stay calm
We know there are ups and downs during the current pandemic. One day you’re enjoying your time at home, cooking and laughing and the next day you want to do nothing more than just pack your bags and visit your friends and travel the world.
We get it. During those times you have to remind yourself that this will be over and then we can do all the things we’re currently dreaming about. Let’s use this time to do the things we usually don’t have time to do.
3. Plant a tree
What better way to make yourself feel good than to DO good? By planting a tree you do three good deeds: You create full-time jobs, habitat for animals and you fight climate change.
Planting a tree is always a good idea! Simply click on the button below and plant a tree. Psst… you don’t even have to wear pants.
Summary: The Positive Side Effects of Coronavirus(Covid-19)
At the time of writing, no vaccine has been developed for Coronavirus.
That means that we need to continue taking all of the necessary precautions. Wash your hands regularly and quarantine as instructed.
Importantly, stay positive! Positive thinking gets positive results. We’ve told you 9 different ways that Coronavirus can have positive side effects.
And each of those side effects will help us tackle another dangerous global crisis: climate change.
Did you sign up for our newsletter yet? We plant a tree for every new subscriber! Simply fill out this form:
Thank you for keeping us in mind and helping us to plant more than 100,000 trees so far.
Would you like to make a difference and contribute to the fight against climate change right now?
Add some of our Instagram content to your story.

Join in with our Facebook conversation about the positive side effects of Coronavirus.

Stay awesome, and please, stay safe.
Over To You
Which of these positive side effect of the Coronavirus is your personal favorite? Select one of the below options – and we’ll gladly report more about the respective topic.
Before you go, check out these 15 awesome and unbelievable tree facts!
Recommended Reading:
¹ https://www.greenpeace.org/usa/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/The-Price-of-Fossil-Fuels-full-report.pdf
³ https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-51944780
⁴ https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/mar/05/governments-coronavirus-urgent-climate-crisis