Volunteering at Click A Tree
10 Ideas for Every Skill Set
Many of you ask us how you can help us spread our mission. And the old us used to say “Oh, tell your friends and family about Click A Tree and tree planting” but the more time passes without change in our climate change laws, the more we feel the urgency that we don’t have any more time to lose.

That’s why we have created this article to show you how you can help us spread the message. The following ideas are divided into “easy”, “moderate”, “difficult”, and “expert” level actions. Depending on your skillset and the time you have available, you can choose the action that fits you the best.
Let’s not waste any more time. Here is how you can volunteer at Click A Tree.

Volunteering Level: Easy – No Special Skill Set Needed
These are actions that pretty much everyone can do and they don’t take a lot of time.
Review Us
Let us know what you think about Click A Tree by reviewing us on Google and Trustpilot. The cool part about it is, it takes less than 5 minutes and you can just copy and paste the review on both sites.
Not sure what to write about? How about our holistically sustainable approach, the simpleness of planting a tree, our transparency, our team, our articles, or our projects.
Enjoy Food For Future
If you find yourself in Germany or Austria, you can visit one of our over 100 partner restaurants, where you can plant a tree when you order the Food For Future or Drink For Future.
Here is a list of our current partners:
Share our B’n’Tree Link
Did you know that you can travel and plant a tree? No? Well, that only means that others don’t know about it either. Let’s change that.
When you use the B’n’Tree link (B’n’Tree is Click A Tree’s travel account) while booking your travels, your favorite travel company will plant trees for you – at no cost for you.
More information here: B’n’Tree: Book your Travels and Plant Trees for Free!

Use B’n’Tree when booking your own travels but also share it with other travel bloggers and travel websites. Let them know that they can plant trees when traveling.
Share Our Mission on Social Media
Let your friends and family know about Click A Tree by sharing our mission with them. Share latest articles on your social channels, let them know that they can plant trees without having to wear pants in their comfort of their own home.
Trees also make for a great gift on birthday’s and special occasions. You can simply share our account with them.
Volunteering Level: Moderate
These actions take a little more time but also leave a bigger impact.
Research Article Topics
You might’ve read a couple of Click A Tree’s articles by now: they’re mainly about trees, nature, positive news and sustainability hacks. We share articles that are not only entertaining but also educational. As we regularly add new articles to our roster, you can help us research new topic ideas.
Here you can find our latest articles. If this activity sounds interesting to you then send an email to Margarita, our content specialist, at [email protected].
Talk to 1 local business
Have a favorite business? It could be a restaurant, store or a service provider. Tell them about our projects and explain to them how planting trees is great for their business.
This article about our 4-win formula explains how everyone benefits from a partnership with Click A Tree.
You can do this in person or direct message them on social media or via email.
Share Your Favorite Nature Pics With Us

Take pictures of the nearest forest and your favorite tree. We constantly create new content for our website and social media platforms, therefore, we’re always in need of nature visions.
If you love taking pictures then send us an email with your favorite nature pictures to [email protected].
Volunteering Level: Difficult
These tasks take a bit of skill and time.
Create Social Media Posts
If you love creating social media posts then why not create them for something good? Take a look at our channels to see what we post about:
Send us an email to [email protected] and get in touch with Margarita to talk about possible post topics.
Volunteering Level: Expert – Special Skills Needed
Write Website Article

Love to write? Write an article for our website.
Here you can find our latest articles. If this activity sounds interesting to you then send an email to Margarita, our content specialist, at [email protected].
Skill Based Volunteering
You can do something that we haven’t mentioned but you think it would help share our mission? Simply send us an email to [email protected] and let us know what it is.
Thank you!
Since you are reading this article, we assume that you are a Click A Tree supporter and want to help us spread the message! Thank you for that! Without people like you this wouldn’t been possible! We wouldn’t have been able to plant over 130.000 trees or create over 4068 work days for people.
Thank you for supporting us!