Work With Us

Looking For A Meaningful Job?

Work for Click A Tree. Let's save the planet together!

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We Grow. You Too?

Are you looking for a meaningful job? A new challenge that allows you to make this world a better place? That's what we do at Click A Tree every single day.

Take a look at the available job vacancies below or get in touch directly to convince us of your planet-saving skills.

We're looking forward to hearing from you!

We were created for meaningful work, and one of life's greatest pleasures is the satisfaction of a job well done.
- John C. Maxwell

4 Reasons Why You Should Join

There are thousands of reasons why you should join the Click A Tree Team. But we don't want to bore you, so we only enlisted the top four.

Make Money Meaningfully
Are you looking for a meaningful job that is truly fulfilling? Look no further - few things fulfill as much as saving the planet.
Save Endangered Animals
Almost all land-based animals depend on trees for food and shelter. Your trees give them somewhere to live and something to eat.
Create Valuable Jobs
Planting trees creates jobs for local communities in need. Help us alleviate poverty and make our planet a better place for everyone.
Fight Climate Change
Trees are the boss enemy for climate change. They absorb carbon dioxide, prevent soil erosion and restore water cycles. Climate change hates trees!

Vacant Positions At Click A Tree

Please find below a list of vacant job positions at Click A Tree. Should your desired position not be enlisted,please free to get in touch nonetheless to convince us of your planet-saving skills.

We're looking for marketing support, either experienced or very eager to learn. The position requires fluency in both English and German, hence our job description is in German.

Unsere aktuellen Stellenangebote findest du auf Indeed

Offene Stellen ansehen

Trotz der Stellenausschreibungen:

Wir brauchen Menschen, die selbst denken können. Und dass du das kannst, beweist du uns am Besten, indem du uns eine coole, ungescriptete Bewerbung zuschickst.

Schick uns 'ne E-Mail, eine Postkarte oder ein kurzes Video. Sag' uns:

1. Warum du die Welt retten möchtest.
2. Worin du gut bist, und wie du uns helfen wirst.
3. Was du lernen möchtest.


Wir freuen uns darauf, von dir zu hören!

Susanne Klermund

People Management

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